Suitable for Alopecia, Areata, Female pattern hair loss, Chemotherapy, Post radio therapy ,Lupa,Trichillomania and most other types of chronic hair loss.
We generally use this system to cover larger areas where the natural hair may be thin and sparse.
The system itself is constructed from a fine mesh, This is then integrated seamlessly into your existing hair without any need to cut or shave any natural hair.
Human or synthetic hair is then added to the mesh building up the piece and completely disguising the area effected..
To complete we the add the parting and crown section, We offer presently four different partings to choose from to suit your hair texture.
The Integration system requires routine maintenance every six weeks, although this system is not a cure for hair loss or trichlomania it will completely disguise all areas of hair loss, while allowing your natural hair to grow through the mesh.
You can wash, brush and style your new hair as you would normally (most likely much easier) giving you a huge confidence boost.
Prices for our Integration system vary but range from £650.00 to £1900.00, Please make a consultation appointment for a personalised quote.
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