Please see below some of our indicative prices, The cost of our services will vary depending on the specific system and options used.
Are required before any service, they are free of charge. For hair extension consultations please allow 60 minutes, for one of our hair loss systems allow 90 minutes.
Integration system
Each system is completely bespoke to the clients exact specifications. As such the price will vary depending on the requirements and type of hair used.
Prices range from £650.00 to £1900.00
Integration system tighten service
We are required to adjust the regrowth of your natural hair every 6 weeks on average, this will take approximately 90 minutes and cost £65.00. (Includes blow dry).
Integration alignment service
This is required on average every 3 months. The service involves removing the whole integration unit, treatment of the scalp as well as washing and blowdrying both the piece and natural hair. The integration is then re-fitted and styled. This service takes around 4 hours to complete and is charged at £180.00.
Hair Extensions- Prices vary depending on type of extension, length and number required. Please see indicative prices below. An accurate price will be given at your consultation.
Prohair synthetic extensions vary from £120.00 to £700.00
Prices start from £150.00 up to £1200.00
Great Lengths
Prices start from £170.00 up to £3000.00
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